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Pkhonor Client Download

  1. importjava.awt.Graphics;
  2. importjava.awt.Image;
  4. importorg.parabot.environment.api.interfaces.Paintable;
  5. importorg.parabot.environment.api.utils.Time;
  6. importorg.parabot.environment.input.Keyboard;
  7. importorg.parabot.environment.scripts.Script;
  8. importorg.parabot.environment.scripts.ScriptManifest;
  9. importorg.parabot.environment.scripts.framework.SleepCondition;
  10. importorg.parabot.environment.scripts.framework.Strategy;
  13. importorg.rev317.min.api.methods.Inventory;
  14. importorg.rev317.min.api.methods.Npcs;
  15. importorg.rev317.min.api.methods.SceneObjects;
  16. importorg.rev317.min.api.wrappers.SceneObject;
  17. @ScriptManifest(
  18. category = Category.SMITHING,
  19. description ='Smelts gold near ANY furnace and bank. Start with an empty inventory! Written on Fixion's request.',
  20. servers ={'PkHonor'},
  21. )
  22. publicclass RDMGoldSmelter extends Script implements MessageListener, Paintable {
  23. privatefinal ArrayList<Strategy> Strategies =new ArrayList<Strategy>();
  24. private ScriptManifest Manifest=(ScriptManifest) RDMGoldSmelter.class.getAnnotation(ScriptManifest.class);
  25. privatestaticImage backgroundIMG;
  26. privatestaticint[] FURNACE ={2643, 3994, 2781, 11666};
  27. privatestaticint SMELT_INTERFACE =2400;
  28. privatestaticint DEPOSIT_ALL_BUTTON =23412;
  29. int smeltCooldown =10;
  30. @Override
  31. backgroundIMG = getImage('');
  32. Strategies.add(new CheckIfSmelting());
  33. Strategies.add(new ClickFurnace());
  34. Strategies.add(new UseBank());
  35. provide(Strategies);
  36. }
  37. @Override
  38. System.out.println('Ran '' v'+Manifest.version()+' for: '+ scriptTimer.toString());
  39. System.out.println('Smelted '+ moltenBars +' bars ('+ scriptTimer.getPerHour(moltenBars)+' Bars/PH).');
  40. System.out.println('Thank you for using my script!');
  41. @Override
  42. if(isSmelting)
  43. returnfalse;
  44. publicvoid execute(){
  45. isSmelting =false;
  46. }
  47. if(Players.getMyPlayer().getAnimation() SMELT_ANIMATION){
  48. Time.sleep(500);
  49. smeltCooldown--;
  50. isSmelting =false;
  51. Time.sleep(500);
  52. }
  53. @Override
  54. if(Game.getOpenBackDialogId() SMELT_INTERFACE &&!isSmelting && Inventory.getCount(ORE_GOLD)>0)
  55. returnfalse;
  56. publicvoid execute(){
  57. Time.sleep(1000);
  58. Keyboard.getInstance().sendKeys(Random.between(28, 99)+');
  59. @Override
  60. return(Players.getMyPlayer().getAnimation() SMELT_ANIMATION);
  61. }, 3000);
  62. isSmelting =true;
  63. }
  64. SceneObject[] Furnace;
  65. publicboolean activate(){
  66. if(Game.getOpenBackDialogId()!= SMELT_INTERFACE &&!isSmelting && Inventory.getCount(ORE_GOLD)>0){
  67. if(Furnace.length>0&& Furnace !=null)
  68. }
  69. }
  70. @Override
  71. try{
  72. Time.sleep(()->(Game.getOpenBackDialogId() SMELT_INTERFACE),
  73. }catch(Exception _e){}
  74. }
  75. publicclass OpenBank implements Strategy {
  76. publicboolean activate(){
  77. if(Game.getOpenInterfaceId()!= BANK_INTERFACE && Inventory.getCount(ORE_GOLD)0)
  78. returnfalse;
  79. publicvoid execute(){
  80. SceneObject[] BankBooths = SceneObjects.getNearest(2213);
  81. SceneObject BankBooth = BankBooths[0];
  82. Time.sleep(BankBooth.getLocation().distanceTo()*400+400);
  83. }else{
  84. if(Butler.length>0){
  85. Butler[0].interact(2);
  86. sleep(Butler[0].getLocation().distanceTo()*400+400);
  87. }catch(Exception _e){
  88. System.out.println('Prevented an error! - Nulled NPC');
  89. }else{
  90. System.out.println('Unable to find a valid bank/butler.');
  91. }
  92. return;
  93. }
  94. publicclass UseBank implements Strategy {
  95. publicboolean activate(){
  96. if(Game.getOpenInterfaceId() BANK_INTERFACE && Inventory.getCount(ORE_GOLD)0)
  97. returnfalse;
  98. publicvoid execute(){
  99. Menu.clickButton(DEPOSIT_ALL_BUTTON);
  100. }
  101. int[] bankIDs = Loader.getClient().getInterfaceCache()[5382].getItems();
  102. if(bankIDs[i] ORE_GOLD){
  103. Menu.sendAction(WITHDRAW_ALL, bankIDs[i]-1, i, 5382);
  104. Time.sleep(()-> Inventory.getCount(ORE_GOLD)>0, 1000);
  105. }
  106. }
  107. publicvoid messageReceived(MessageEvent message){
  108. String msg = message.getMessage().toLowerCase();
  109. moltenBars++;
  110. smeltCooldown =4;
  111. if(msg.contains('you do not have any ore of this type')){
  112. }
  113. }
  114. @Override
  115. Graphs.drawImage(backgroundIMG, 400, 5, null);
  116. Graphics2D g =(Graphics2D) Graphs;
  117. g.drawString(, 406, 20);
  118. g.drawString('Runtime: '+ scriptTimer.toString(), 404, 36);
  119. g.drawString('P/H:', 405, 64);
  120. g.drawString('+ moltenBars, 440, 52);
  121. g.drawString('+ scriptTimer.getPerHour(moltenBars), 440, 64);
  122. try{
  123. }catch(IOException e){
  124. }
  125. }

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